Tell us about yourself and how you came to identify as an artist
I first started art when I was a kid. I used to draw monsters in class – they were awful looking back but great at the time. I do actually remember getting praised because I’d always come up with the most imaginative monsters. I thought nothing of it, though I remember wanting to one day make my own video game that would feature all these monsters.
For a long time I focused less and less on art and drifted for a bit – till I was about 16.
I started a video games design college, which helped me hone my skills somewhat – taught me the correct thinking, correct processes and how to use the tools & software I had.
I always felt like I was never the best at anything which bothered me. Then I discovered programming.
Programming helped me start a productive routine – which has lead up to now.
Describe your artistic style
I would describe my artistic style as very psychedelic and very philosophical. I would actually recommend people check the title of the piece before they decide to read my strange, existential passages underneath, as some of them are quite “real” and “raw” if you know what I mean. I am a somewhat nihilist – so I don’t get phased by exploring subjects in detail that others may feel uncomfortable doing so.
How has your style evolved over the years?
My art, and my mindset has evolved a tremendous amount over the years.
I used to be very confused, ignorant and angry when I was young.
I started smoking cannabis at 16, and still do to this day at 20. People need to decide for themselves whether various drugs are for them or not. For me, it works really well, doesn’t hinder my productivity, behaviour or mindset. It helps me have a great time. Everyone should do what helps them have a good time 🥰
However, at 19, I started exploring Psychedelics of various forms. Here is where my art really started to take off.
Not only did careful psychotherapy using psychedelics allow me to solve underlying issues I had, but it really transformed my imagination & perspective.
I’m now 20 – and I started Liquids Of The Mind about 3 weeks ago! So Liquids hasn’t had much time to evolve yet!
But yes. My art has evolved a lot.
How did the NFT space pull you in?
I got pulled into the NFT space by my girlfriend.
She is not in the space, but she knows I’m an artist and she sent me an Instagram post of the “Weird Whales” collection. She said “you could do something like that”
I had a small mental breakdown afterwards because I felt hopeless and useless, knowing I could never do that.
Then I just stopped and said out loud “why can’t I do that?”
I then spent 300 hours making my first collection: Funky Frogs.
What advice would you give artists that want to get into the NFT space?
My advice to other artists wanting to get into the nft space is:
1: embrace originality – people enjoy seeing things they haven’t before.
2: Follow people!!!! – follow everyone you can all the time on Instagram and twitter.
Don’t wait for them to follow you! They might not ever seen you! Instagram is a huge place.
Most people in the nft world follow back.
3: Think about how to get traffic from Instagram/Twitter to OpenSea/Rarible. Its great if they like your content but there’s no purchases without ways to OpenSea.
What has been the biggest obstacle?
The biggest obstacle for me was the journey to the first sale. I spent well over 600 hours of work total before I got my first sale – and I was having breakdowns & wanting to give up. It seemed like all my hard work would never pay off.
What is the biggest reward?
For me, the biggest reward is a name that I can sell my art under or release my content under. I have come from a poor background so the idea that people actually want to pay me money for things I have made is genuinely mind blowing to me.
Finally, what are your thoughts on the NFT space in your country?
The NFT space in the UK seems to be pretty big! We have some massive NFT projects right now like SillySkulls NFT. I’m excited for the future of NFTs.