In the beginning, I was scared to use colours, scared of being bold because I didn’t want to get attention. But over the years, I wondered what was the purpose of my art if it doesn’t grab the attention of the viewer. And that idea evolved my mindset to become more open about the art that I make and style to become modern, colourful and bold.

Art was special for me when I was a kid. I grew up with a pencil and paper in my hand, but I was never good at drawing or painting. I never thought about studying a major in art in college until I realized that I don’t have to be good at drawing or painting to be an artist. I could be good at visual communication, layouts, combining elements and colours, marketing, advertising, etc. And that’s when I decided to be a graphic designer.

Although there is big money circulating in the NFT community, for me, it wasn’t about money. I wanted to claim my place between NFT artists and be part of something bigger.
My advice for artists that want to get into the NFT space is do it now! Later will be too late, and you don’t have anything to lose by trying.

The NFT community is huge in Canada. We have great artists and projects. And that is what makes me excited, to be part of it and watch it grow even bigger in the near future.