A lot has happened in the last month. You’ve grown your audience and your sales. How does it feel?
It feels awesome! I’ve recently switched from having a passive role in my NFT sales, just praying each day for a sale, to a much more active role, and I’ve been reaping the benefits of a larger audience and increased sales, recently passing 0.25 ETH in trading volume. There’s still a long way to go, but I believe a lot of progress has been made in increasing the value of my collection and making it a better investment vehicle for the fans.

You’ve done a lot of collabs. Why are you doing so many of these? Is there anyone you would really like to do a collab with?
Initially, I put out a lot of collabs to expand my audience and base. Collabs were great in the beginning to expand the audience, but I think now it’s important to put all my resources into making the 8-Bit Muchroom collection really successful before doing more collabs. I’ve been doing way less collabs lately, and that’s the reason for it.

What are your thoughts on secondary market sales? Are they good for artists? Investors?
I think secondary market sales are groundbreaking, and with the fact that creators receive royalties on every sale, secondary market sales are imperative for any good project’s success. This is an area of the market I neglected early on, and as a result a lot of my recent work has been trying to stimulate a secondary market for my muchrooms. They’re definitely beneficial for investors as it offers investors a chance to cash out, while still allowing those who love the art to hold on. And the investors’ benefit is the artists benefit as well due to the royalties.

Tell us about your buy back program.
I use a third of proceeds from selling 8-Bit Muchrooms to buy back mushrooms that I think are undervalued, raising the floor price and sweeping the cheap muchrooms off the market for good. Buybacks are common in the stock markets, but they’re not common at all in the NFT world, and I think it shows the artist’s faith in the project while simultaneously contributing to price pressure on the project.

What projects do you have coming online next?
Great question! There’s one more NFT project I’ve been working on in the shadows, but that’s a secret for now. The main goal is to sell all the muchrooms and get a solid resale market going for the investors, then on to the next goals!
What are your thoughts on the metaverse? Will your artwork be displayed in any online museums?
Great question! I already have a metaverse gallery for the 8-Bit Muchrooms that i own at oncyber.io/8bitmuchroom , but I think the metaverse is definitely the next big thing for NFTs. The ability to walk around a metaverse gallery in VR, pick out a piece you like and purchase it instantly is the final step in the digital world’s mission to establish digital art as a legitimate art class. Although I think the centralized dystopian metaverse proposed by Facebook sounds a little, well, dystopian, I think the technology of the metaverse can give a real boost to the world of NFTs and the crypto space in general. Just use it in moderation!