Maro Dori Japan

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your project

Maro Dori is an imaginary character created by 11 year-old artist Michiko. With oval-shaped eyebrows and arc-shaped eyes that symbolize nobility in ancient Japan, Maro Dori is very graceful.

Describe your artistic style

It’s the digital version of her analog paintings with different tastes. In the analog paintings, traditional Japanese materials were used to paint, such as sumi ink, mineral pigments, gold powder, animal glue, etc.

What has been the biggest obstacle?

First, I, her mother, thought it would be difficult to apply Michiko’s unique style of pantings into digital art. It took some time for us to learn how to use ArtStudio. We try to make NFT Maro Dori another unique art from the original one. 

 What is the biggest reward?

NFT Maro Dori just started, so it’s not known yet. But the analog paintings have been exhibited at some galleries or introduced in media in Japan. We’d be super happy if NFT Maro Dori were collected by people all over the world.

What are your thoughts on the NFT space and the meta verse?

I think the NFT and the meta verse will be an ideal space for Michiko, as an introverted child, to express herself, explore and expand her world. I believe there are vast opportunities there!

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